Who is welcome in the Episcopal Church?
You are welcome regardless of your background! Many of our members come to us from other faith traditions or Christian communities, or without a faith background of any kind.
Episcopalian is derived from the Greek word for overseer – episkopos. In the church, the word evolved to mean Bishop. So, today the Episcopal Church is governed (overseen) by bishops. At our national gathering, or general convention, bishops, as well as priests, deacons, and lay people have voice and vote for shaping the direction of the church and its mission.
Can an Episcopalian who has not been to church for many years return to the Episcopal Church?
Yes, the person will be welcomed home to any congregation.
What’s an Episcopal Church service like?
The Episcopal Church worships in the “liturgical style,” which means all Episcopal churches follow a relatively common order of service. Scripture and the Eucharist (Holy Communion) are the foundations of our worship and the service follows an order found in our worship book called the Book of Common Prayer.
Ascension’s 8:00 AM service is a quiet, Rite I service that uses the Book of Common Prayer and more traditional language. Our 10:30 AM service follows Rite II and uses a leaflet to guide you through the service. The choir sings at this service and we use more contemporary language.
What if I don’t know what to do during a service?
Don’t worry, you won’t be embarrassed or singled out. Also, look to the Book of Common Prayer and the service leaflet for indications of when to sit, stand, or kneel. Once you’ve been to a few services, it will seem like second nature to you.
Am I allowed to come forward for Communion if I'm not a member of the church or an Episcopalian?
Yes. All are welcome to approach the front of the church during the Communion portion of the service, even if you’re not an Episcopalian. Anyone who has been baptized, in any tradition, is invited to share in the bread and wine. Baptized children are also welcome to receive communion. If you do not wish to receive communion you are welcome to come forward for a special blessing.
Will the clergy or anyone else in authority tell me how to think, how to act, or how to vote?
Absolutely not. In the Episcopal Church, we know that every journey toward God is unique and highly personal. You won’t be forced to think a certain way or “get in line” with everyone else. In fact, you’re welcome to bring your questions, doubts, hopes and dreams with you.
How do I join the Episcopal Church?
If you are of age to speak for yourself and have never been baptized, Father Mark+ would love to talk to you about being baptized. Baptisms are typically held several times per year during the Sunday services. Once baptized, you will be a fully-initiated member of the Body of Christ and an Episcopalian with a membership in the local congregation.
What does the Episcopal Church believe about the Sacrament of Holy Baptism?
Holy Baptism is the initiation rite of the Church. It conveys God’s grace so that the initiate may grow in Christian strength and brings the initiate into the family of Christ, where he or she can be nurtured in the process of that Christian growth.
Does the Episcopal Church baptize infants?
Yes. We believe that the grace conferred by the Sacrament of Baptism is not and should not be reserved only for adults. Every human being is in relationship with God. We honor that relationship from the moment of birth and infancy is not a barrier to full initiation into the Body of Christ.
I have already been baptized in another church. If I become an Episcopalian, do I need to be re-baptized?
No. “We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins,” according to the Nicene Creed. Once you have been baptized in any Christian church with water in the name of the Trinity, you have been received into the family of Christ (not into a particular denomination). To make a public, adult affirmation of faith you should be confirmed.
What is Confirmation?
Confirmation is the opportunity for those who are baptized as infants, children, or adults to make a public confession and commitment of Christian faith. In the sacrament of confirmation, we are strengthened by the Holy Spirit for service to Christ and his church. In Confirmation, a bishop lays hands on the confirmand in a public ceremony as a symbol of support for their spiritual journey. The Episcopal Church is unique in Christianity in requiring that Confirmation be performed by a bishop. If you are coming from a church in the Apostolic Succession (e.g., Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or some others), and have already been confirmed, you would be “received” by the bishop of our diocese in a ceremony that normally takes place during the bishop's visit to our church.
I would like to be confirmed. How do I go about doing this?
We hold get-to-know-Ascension courses throughout the year to help you become more familiar with our church and to orient you for worship, ministry, and fellowship. Upon completion of this course you are a member of Ascension and you have the option of being confirmed or received by the Bishop.
Where did the Episcopal Church come from?
The Episcopal Church is a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion, derived from the Church of England and sharing with it traditions of faith and order as set forth in its Book of Common Prayer. Before the American Revolution, we were known as the Church of England in America. After the Revolution, we became the Episcopal Church – a self-governing faith community affiliated with the worldwide Anglican tradition. The word “Anglican” means in the tradition of the Church of England. Today, more than 80 million people around the world are part of the Anglican faith tradition: every continent except Antarctica has Anglican churches today. For example, if you travel to Australia or Argentina, you’ll find Anglican churches that worship in the same style as the Episcopal Church in America.
Does the Episcopal Church report to the Pope?
No. The head of the worldwide Anglican tradition is the Archbishop of Canterbury in England. He or she serves as the spiritual head of the Anglican Church. Unlike the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, the Archbishop serves only as a leader and guide, and does not make rules or laws for the Church to follow. The Episcopal Church is the term we use for that branch of the Anglican union located in the United States.
Are women allowed to serve as priests in the Episcopal Church?
Yes. Women serve as priests, deacons, bishops, and in many other positions in the Episcopal Church today.
Are Episcopal priests allowed to marry and have children?
Yes. Absolutely. It’s a personal decision on their part.
Does the Episcopal Church allow gay, lesbian, and transgender persons to participate?
Yes. All of God’s children are welcome to participate in the Episcopal Church and answer God’s call to service in a wide variety of roles and missions. Gay, lesbian and transgender persons are warmly welcomed here at Ascension and are deeply involved in the life of the parish.
Does the Episcopal Church perform same-sex marriages?
Yes. The Episcopal Church codified theological support for same-sex marriage by two decisions at the General Convention in 2015. The first formally approved gender-neutral and same-sex marriage ceremonies, while the second changed the current marriage “canons” to allow clergy to officiate same-sex marriages using either a marriage rite from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer or a “trial” liturgy.
You are welcome regardless of your background! Many of our members come to us from other faith traditions or Christian communities, or without a faith background of any kind.
Episcopalian is derived from the Greek word for overseer – episkopos. In the church, the word evolved to mean Bishop. So, today the Episcopal Church is governed (overseen) by bishops. At our national gathering, or general convention, bishops, as well as priests, deacons, and lay people have voice and vote for shaping the direction of the church and its mission.
Can an Episcopalian who has not been to church for many years return to the Episcopal Church?
Yes, the person will be welcomed home to any congregation.
What’s an Episcopal Church service like?
The Episcopal Church worships in the “liturgical style,” which means all Episcopal churches follow a relatively common order of service. Scripture and the Eucharist (Holy Communion) are the foundations of our worship and the service follows an order found in our worship book called the Book of Common Prayer.
Ascension’s 8:00 AM service is a quiet, Rite I service that uses the Book of Common Prayer and more traditional language. Our 10:30 AM service follows Rite II and uses a leaflet to guide you through the service. The choir sings at this service and we use more contemporary language.
What if I don’t know what to do during a service?
Don’t worry, you won’t be embarrassed or singled out. Also, look to the Book of Common Prayer and the service leaflet for indications of when to sit, stand, or kneel. Once you’ve been to a few services, it will seem like second nature to you.
Am I allowed to come forward for Communion if I'm not a member of the church or an Episcopalian?
Yes. All are welcome to approach the front of the church during the Communion portion of the service, even if you’re not an Episcopalian. Anyone who has been baptized, in any tradition, is invited to share in the bread and wine. Baptized children are also welcome to receive communion. If you do not wish to receive communion you are welcome to come forward for a special blessing.
Will the clergy or anyone else in authority tell me how to think, how to act, or how to vote?
Absolutely not. In the Episcopal Church, we know that every journey toward God is unique and highly personal. You won’t be forced to think a certain way or “get in line” with everyone else. In fact, you’re welcome to bring your questions, doubts, hopes and dreams with you.
How do I join the Episcopal Church?
If you are of age to speak for yourself and have never been baptized, Father Mark+ would love to talk to you about being baptized. Baptisms are typically held several times per year during the Sunday services. Once baptized, you will be a fully-initiated member of the Body of Christ and an Episcopalian with a membership in the local congregation.
What does the Episcopal Church believe about the Sacrament of Holy Baptism?
Holy Baptism is the initiation rite of the Church. It conveys God’s grace so that the initiate may grow in Christian strength and brings the initiate into the family of Christ, where he or she can be nurtured in the process of that Christian growth.
Does the Episcopal Church baptize infants?
Yes. We believe that the grace conferred by the Sacrament of Baptism is not and should not be reserved only for adults. Every human being is in relationship with God. We honor that relationship from the moment of birth and infancy is not a barrier to full initiation into the Body of Christ.
I have already been baptized in another church. If I become an Episcopalian, do I need to be re-baptized?
No. “We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins,” according to the Nicene Creed. Once you have been baptized in any Christian church with water in the name of the Trinity, you have been received into the family of Christ (not into a particular denomination). To make a public, adult affirmation of faith you should be confirmed.
What is Confirmation?
Confirmation is the opportunity for those who are baptized as infants, children, or adults to make a public confession and commitment of Christian faith. In the sacrament of confirmation, we are strengthened by the Holy Spirit for service to Christ and his church. In Confirmation, a bishop lays hands on the confirmand in a public ceremony as a symbol of support for their spiritual journey. The Episcopal Church is unique in Christianity in requiring that Confirmation be performed by a bishop. If you are coming from a church in the Apostolic Succession (e.g., Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or some others), and have already been confirmed, you would be “received” by the bishop of our diocese in a ceremony that normally takes place during the bishop's visit to our church.
I would like to be confirmed. How do I go about doing this?
We hold get-to-know-Ascension courses throughout the year to help you become more familiar with our church and to orient you for worship, ministry, and fellowship. Upon completion of this course you are a member of Ascension and you have the option of being confirmed or received by the Bishop.
Where did the Episcopal Church come from?
The Episcopal Church is a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion, derived from the Church of England and sharing with it traditions of faith and order as set forth in its Book of Common Prayer. Before the American Revolution, we were known as the Church of England in America. After the Revolution, we became the Episcopal Church – a self-governing faith community affiliated with the worldwide Anglican tradition. The word “Anglican” means in the tradition of the Church of England. Today, more than 80 million people around the world are part of the Anglican faith tradition: every continent except Antarctica has Anglican churches today. For example, if you travel to Australia or Argentina, you’ll find Anglican churches that worship in the same style as the Episcopal Church in America.
Does the Episcopal Church report to the Pope?
No. The head of the worldwide Anglican tradition is the Archbishop of Canterbury in England. He or she serves as the spiritual head of the Anglican Church. Unlike the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, the Archbishop serves only as a leader and guide, and does not make rules or laws for the Church to follow. The Episcopal Church is the term we use for that branch of the Anglican union located in the United States.
Are women allowed to serve as priests in the Episcopal Church?
Yes. Women serve as priests, deacons, bishops, and in many other positions in the Episcopal Church today.
Are Episcopal priests allowed to marry and have children?
Yes. Absolutely. It’s a personal decision on their part.
Does the Episcopal Church allow gay, lesbian, and transgender persons to participate?
Yes. All of God’s children are welcome to participate in the Episcopal Church and answer God’s call to service in a wide variety of roles and missions. Gay, lesbian and transgender persons are warmly welcomed here at Ascension and are deeply involved in the life of the parish.
Does the Episcopal Church perform same-sex marriages?
Yes. The Episcopal Church codified theological support for same-sex marriage by two decisions at the General Convention in 2015. The first formally approved gender-neutral and same-sex marriage ceremonies, while the second changed the current marriage “canons” to allow clergy to officiate same-sex marriages using either a marriage rite from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer or a “trial” liturgy.