Who, What, Where, When, How, and Why
- Who: Anyone seeking a deeper relationship with God. We baptize babies, octogenarians and everywhere in between.
- What: With prayers, water, oil and candles we celebrate the good work that God has done in the candidate.
- Where: The preferred place is in Church, in the midst of the people on Sunday Morning.
- When: At appointed times in the Church we celebrate Baptism: The Easter Vigil (if celebrated), or Easter Sunday (if Easter Vigil is not celebrated) in late March or early April, All Saint's Day or the Sunday after All Saints Day in early November, the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord, (the First Sunday after the Epiphany) in mid January and when a Bishop visits. No Baptisms are held during the Season of Lent. The Rector can and will perform a Baptism on most any Sunday, except during lent for pastoral reasons such as family travel considerations etc.
- How: There is a Baptismal rehearsal for the candidate, parents, and godparents the Saturday before the Baptism, that lasts approximately 75 mins. Usually the Baptisms are celebrated at the 10:30 AM service.
- Why: Baptism is presenting yourself or your child to Jesus and saying "yes" to him being your Lord and Savior.
Contact the office for more details
Why do we baptize?
It is a sign of how God has made us His own. Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into the mystery of Christ's Body, the Church. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble. Baptism symbolizes our union with Christ in his death and resurrection (Romans 6:3). Baptism symbolizes our being washed clean of all sin and being reborn to new life in the Holy Spirit (II Corinthians 5:17-21)
Who may be baptized?
Anyone who desires baptism. Each candidate for Holy Baptism is to be supported by one or more baptized people (Godparents for little ones & Sponsors for adults). For the little ones, parents and godparents work to insure that the child will be brought up in the "knowledge and love of the Lord." Holy Baptism is full incorporation into the church. All baptized persons are welcome at communion.
What are the responsibilities of those baptized?
People baptized into Christ's one holy catholic and apostolic church are expected to grow in the faith and strive to know God more day-by-day. This means that they will resist and renounce evil, follow Christ as their Lord and Savior, and put their whole trust in God.
How is someone prepared for Baptism?
Adults entering the church through Baptism are expected to experience a program of instruction and initiation into the Christian religion. We use the Alpha Course and the Get-to-know-Ascension weekend for this purpose. Parents and Godparents are also required to attend a baptismal rehearsal, typically the day before the Baptism.
What are the roles of sponsors, parents, and godparents in the life of the Baptized?
Adults: Adults will normally have a sponsor who is a mature adult Christian willing to act as companion and mentor to the candidate. A sponsor provides encouragement and instruction and acts as a prayer-partner with and for the person to be baptized. In other words, a baptismal sponsor is a fellow pilgrim in Christ with the candidate.
Children: The role of parents and godparents in infant baptism is profound. These persons make the vows of the baptismal covenant in the name of and for the sake of a candidate who is not mature enough to speak for himself or herself. It is a great responsibility, as well as a great joy, to nurture a child in the Christian faith. Godparents do not need to be Episcopalian but must do everything in their power to help the child grow in the knowledge and love of the Lord.
When is an appropriate time for Baptism?
We set aside special Sundays for Baptism: The Easter Vigil (If Celebrated), or Easter Sunday (If Easter Vigil is not celebrated) in late March or early April, All Saint's Day or the Sunday after All Saints Day in early November, the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord, (the First Sunday after the Epiphany) in mid January and when a Bishop visits. No Baptisms are held during the Season of Lent.
Private Baptisms
Private Baptisms are generally not allowed. The Rector, due to pastoral reasons, may make an exception on a case by case basis but they are rare.
The Day of Baptism
When presenting the candidate for Baptism, remember to speak loudly and in unison.
When the priest says, "The candidates for holy baptism will now be presented”, please remember to stand, speak in unison and speak loudly.
"I present (name) to receive the sacrament of Baptism."
When speaking, please use "I" rather than "we".
Additional notes on the logistics of Holy Baptism.
The Rector (and/or someone he designates) will meet with all baptismal candidates in a rehearsal session prior to the time of the service, so that all persons involved will be familiar and comfortable with the rite. It is also expected that all sponsors, parents, and godparents be present for this rehearsal.
The Rector (or his assistant) will officiate at baptisms in the parish except with a Bishop is present. When a Bishop is present, he is the officiant. At such times the Bishop may delegate the baptism to the Rector.
The taking of flash photographs is not allowed during a worship service. You may take photos but please don't disrupt the service.
It is appropriate that all present at the baptism be able to see and hear what is happening. We invite you and your children to move to a better location if your vision or hearing is obstructed. Children are especially invited to come forward so that they may see and hear.
The parish by custom provides a reception following the service. We cordially invite all present to join us in welcoming our new sisters and brothers into the community of the faithful.
If you wish another Episcopal priest from outside of the parish to participate in the baptism, please let us know. If the Rector approves the request he will coordinate logistics with the guest clergy well ahead of time. Also, it is expected that any visiting and assisting clergy be present for the rehearsal session.
A Godparent's Prayer
O Lord Jesus Christ, you embrace children with the arms of your mercy, and make them living members of your Church. Give grace, I pray you, to my Godchild to stand fast in your faith, to obey your word, and to abide in your love; that, being made strong by your Holy Spirit, he may resist temptation, and may rejoice in the life to come; through your merits, O merciful Savior, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever, Amen.
It is a sign of how God has made us His own. Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into the mystery of Christ's Body, the Church. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble. Baptism symbolizes our union with Christ in his death and resurrection (Romans 6:3). Baptism symbolizes our being washed clean of all sin and being reborn to new life in the Holy Spirit (II Corinthians 5:17-21)
Who may be baptized?
Anyone who desires baptism. Each candidate for Holy Baptism is to be supported by one or more baptized people (Godparents for little ones & Sponsors for adults). For the little ones, parents and godparents work to insure that the child will be brought up in the "knowledge and love of the Lord." Holy Baptism is full incorporation into the church. All baptized persons are welcome at communion.
What are the responsibilities of those baptized?
People baptized into Christ's one holy catholic and apostolic church are expected to grow in the faith and strive to know God more day-by-day. This means that they will resist and renounce evil, follow Christ as their Lord and Savior, and put their whole trust in God.
How is someone prepared for Baptism?
Adults entering the church through Baptism are expected to experience a program of instruction and initiation into the Christian religion. We use the Alpha Course and the Get-to-know-Ascension weekend for this purpose. Parents and Godparents are also required to attend a baptismal rehearsal, typically the day before the Baptism.
What are the roles of sponsors, parents, and godparents in the life of the Baptized?
Adults: Adults will normally have a sponsor who is a mature adult Christian willing to act as companion and mentor to the candidate. A sponsor provides encouragement and instruction and acts as a prayer-partner with and for the person to be baptized. In other words, a baptismal sponsor is a fellow pilgrim in Christ with the candidate.
Children: The role of parents and godparents in infant baptism is profound. These persons make the vows of the baptismal covenant in the name of and for the sake of a candidate who is not mature enough to speak for himself or herself. It is a great responsibility, as well as a great joy, to nurture a child in the Christian faith. Godparents do not need to be Episcopalian but must do everything in their power to help the child grow in the knowledge and love of the Lord.
When is an appropriate time for Baptism?
We set aside special Sundays for Baptism: The Easter Vigil (If Celebrated), or Easter Sunday (If Easter Vigil is not celebrated) in late March or early April, All Saint's Day or the Sunday after All Saints Day in early November, the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord, (the First Sunday after the Epiphany) in mid January and when a Bishop visits. No Baptisms are held during the Season of Lent.
Private Baptisms
Private Baptisms are generally not allowed. The Rector, due to pastoral reasons, may make an exception on a case by case basis but they are rare.
The Day of Baptism
When presenting the candidate for Baptism, remember to speak loudly and in unison.
When the priest says, "The candidates for holy baptism will now be presented”, please remember to stand, speak in unison and speak loudly.
"I present (name) to receive the sacrament of Baptism."
When speaking, please use "I" rather than "we".
Additional notes on the logistics of Holy Baptism.
The Rector (and/or someone he designates) will meet with all baptismal candidates in a rehearsal session prior to the time of the service, so that all persons involved will be familiar and comfortable with the rite. It is also expected that all sponsors, parents, and godparents be present for this rehearsal.
The Rector (or his assistant) will officiate at baptisms in the parish except with a Bishop is present. When a Bishop is present, he is the officiant. At such times the Bishop may delegate the baptism to the Rector.
The taking of flash photographs is not allowed during a worship service. You may take photos but please don't disrupt the service.
It is appropriate that all present at the baptism be able to see and hear what is happening. We invite you and your children to move to a better location if your vision or hearing is obstructed. Children are especially invited to come forward so that they may see and hear.
The parish by custom provides a reception following the service. We cordially invite all present to join us in welcoming our new sisters and brothers into the community of the faithful.
If you wish another Episcopal priest from outside of the parish to participate in the baptism, please let us know. If the Rector approves the request he will coordinate logistics with the guest clergy well ahead of time. Also, it is expected that any visiting and assisting clergy be present for the rehearsal session.
A Godparent's Prayer
O Lord Jesus Christ, you embrace children with the arms of your mercy, and make them living members of your Church. Give grace, I pray you, to my Godchild to stand fast in your faith, to obey your word, and to abide in your love; that, being made strong by your Holy Spirit, he may resist temptation, and may rejoice in the life to come; through your merits, O merciful Savior, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever, Amen.

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