Detailed Acolyte Instructions
Since acolytes do not serve every week, it is easy to forget exactly what your duties are during the service. We have created this detailed explanation as a reminder and refresher for you to refer to, so you will always know learn what your responsibilities are before, after, and especially during the service. Remember: You play a very important part of worship!
It can be a distraction when acolytes do not pay careful attention to their personal appearance. Please take time to comb your hair carefully and give yourself plenty of time to get into your robes and perform your "before the service" duties. We don't have specific robes for each of you, but there are plenty of different-sized white robes in the Sacristy. So pick a robe that is clean, and fits properly (not too short or too tight) and put it on. Also remember to tie the cincture (rope belt) around your waist. Now you are ready to begin.
Before the Service:
Light the Candles
15 minutes before the service (10:15 am) light the candle-lighter (younger members get a parent or one of the Altar Guild members to help you), and light the candles on the altar. Remember you should always bow as you approach the altar and after you leave the altar.
Light the two large candles on the altar first, then light the candle trees (candelabra's) behind the altar. Light these from the outside into the center, meaning light the candle farthest from the cross on the back wall, then the middle candle of the three, then the right candle last. Go across to the other side and reverse the procedure. Lighting the candle on the far right first, then the middle and finally the inside candle closest to the cross.
The order of the candles is not the most important part, what is important is that you act dignified and reverent as you do this. Many people are watching as you do this. You are setting the mood for the rest of the service. Once you have the candles lit, go to side, blow out the candle-lighter, put it carefully away and come to the back to get the cross from it's holder at the back of the church where the choir is waiting to begin. You will now serve as the crucifer.
This is the person who holds the cross at the beginning of the service and leads the procession to the altar. Do not lean the cross up against the wall or leave the cross for any reason. If you must, please hand it to a choir member (red and white robes) or reader (black and white robes) or someone else in the service to hold if you must step away momentarily from your duties. Thank them when you return.
During The Service:
The service begins with the processional song. Take your place at the back of the center aisle ready to lead the procession. Your place cues the organist to begin.
Wait until the first verse of the song has been sung. Then move slowly and solemnly down the aisle holding the cross up straight and steady with both hands. When you reach the bottom of the altar (do NOT bow), turn right to place the cross in the holder on the choir side and sit inside the altar area nearest the choir.
The Gospel Reading
If the Jr Acolytes are not working that day then:
Your next responsibility is to take the Gospel book and take it down the center aisle for the priest to read the Gospel. This happens after the two readers have finished their readings and the music begins.
With the book held high, go down the aisle, past 2 pews and turn around, and hand the book to the priest.
Hold the book chest high when the priest hands it back to you. Keep still and quiet while the priest reads the Gospel, and returns the book to you. Hold it again over your head and lead the priest back up the aisle and return the book to the altar. Then go back and sit on the chair inside the altar rail.
Setting the Table - The Most Important Job
Setting the table starts with getting the two collection plates from the shelf on the priest side of the altar, underneath the candelabra (the tree of candles). Take the plates to the ushers.
The most important part comes when you help set the table. The order is chalice: (metal wine cup), ciborium (metal bread cup), cruet of wine (the glass vase), a second cruet of wine (if present), then the cruet water.
While the priest is setting the table, get the white hand towel, lavabo bowl (big silver bowl), and cruet of water. The priest will stick his or her hands over the bowl and pour water on his or her fingers. Once done, put it all the pieces back on the table (the credence table).
When the usher bring the offerings, come from your seat and go to the altar rail, take the plates, and hand them to the priest. The ushers will also give you a piece of paper. Place that on the altar where the priest can see it (it is the number of people in the service.)
You can now go back to your seat. After the prayers of communion have been said, get ready to receive communion (bread and wine) by standing next to the altar. Once you have received your bread and wine, quietly go back and sit in your seat. (Please do not talk with or make faces at people who are coming up to the altar rail to get communion, and do not swing your legs in the chair.)
After everyone has been served, the priest will hand you different things like chalices, bread cups, and other things. Please make room on the credence table for these things. At the end of the service, it is time to lead the choir and everyone participating in the service back down the aisle. Slowly go back to the choir side column to get the cross and wait for the congregation to sing one verse of the hymn.
Come out holding the Cross high and straight, and wait for the choir to begin processing so that you don't outrun them. They need to be right behind you the entire way out. Once you are at the back of the church continue out and put the cross away in its holder in the narthex.
After the service is over go back up to the altar to extinguish the candles. Go get the candle-lighter (which also has a candle snuffer as well) and slowly go back to the altar and put out the candles. Be careful not to knock the candles over when putting them out.
To Finish
You have now finished your responsibilities. Go back to the upstairs choir room and quietly take off your cincture (rope belt) and robe. Try not to drag it on the floor while you are removing it. Hang the robe and the rope belt neatly on the same hanger that you took it from, and join your family.
One last thing
During the service, people are looking up at the altar and they can't help but notice you. You are a worship leader of the church and as such you need to act accordingly. Try not to look bored, try not to yawn, try not to wiggle and tap your feet or hands. Pay attention.
When everyone in the church is standing, you should be standing also. When everyone is kneeling, kneel also. Be an active participant of this service because everyone else in church believes you are an important part of this service.
The Acolyte Team
It can be a distraction when acolytes do not pay careful attention to their personal appearance. Please take time to comb your hair carefully and give yourself plenty of time to get into your robes and perform your "before the service" duties. We don't have specific robes for each of you, but there are plenty of different-sized white robes in the Sacristy. So pick a robe that is clean, and fits properly (not too short or too tight) and put it on. Also remember to tie the cincture (rope belt) around your waist. Now you are ready to begin.
Before the Service:
Light the Candles
15 minutes before the service (10:15 am) light the candle-lighter (younger members get a parent or one of the Altar Guild members to help you), and light the candles on the altar. Remember you should always bow as you approach the altar and after you leave the altar.
Light the two large candles on the altar first, then light the candle trees (candelabra's) behind the altar. Light these from the outside into the center, meaning light the candle farthest from the cross on the back wall, then the middle candle of the three, then the right candle last. Go across to the other side and reverse the procedure. Lighting the candle on the far right first, then the middle and finally the inside candle closest to the cross.
The order of the candles is not the most important part, what is important is that you act dignified and reverent as you do this. Many people are watching as you do this. You are setting the mood for the rest of the service. Once you have the candles lit, go to side, blow out the candle-lighter, put it carefully away and come to the back to get the cross from it's holder at the back of the church where the choir is waiting to begin. You will now serve as the crucifer.
This is the person who holds the cross at the beginning of the service and leads the procession to the altar. Do not lean the cross up against the wall or leave the cross for any reason. If you must, please hand it to a choir member (red and white robes) or reader (black and white robes) or someone else in the service to hold if you must step away momentarily from your duties. Thank them when you return.
During The Service:
The service begins with the processional song. Take your place at the back of the center aisle ready to lead the procession. Your place cues the organist to begin.
Wait until the first verse of the song has been sung. Then move slowly and solemnly down the aisle holding the cross up straight and steady with both hands. When you reach the bottom of the altar (do NOT bow), turn right to place the cross in the holder on the choir side and sit inside the altar area nearest the choir.
The Gospel Reading
If the Jr Acolytes are not working that day then:
Your next responsibility is to take the Gospel book and take it down the center aisle for the priest to read the Gospel. This happens after the two readers have finished their readings and the music begins.
With the book held high, go down the aisle, past 2 pews and turn around, and hand the book to the priest.
Hold the book chest high when the priest hands it back to you. Keep still and quiet while the priest reads the Gospel, and returns the book to you. Hold it again over your head and lead the priest back up the aisle and return the book to the altar. Then go back and sit on the chair inside the altar rail.
Setting the Table - The Most Important Job
Setting the table starts with getting the two collection plates from the shelf on the priest side of the altar, underneath the candelabra (the tree of candles). Take the plates to the ushers.
The most important part comes when you help set the table. The order is chalice: (metal wine cup), ciborium (metal bread cup), cruet of wine (the glass vase), a second cruet of wine (if present), then the cruet water.
While the priest is setting the table, get the white hand towel, lavabo bowl (big silver bowl), and cruet of water. The priest will stick his or her hands over the bowl and pour water on his or her fingers. Once done, put it all the pieces back on the table (the credence table).
When the usher bring the offerings, come from your seat and go to the altar rail, take the plates, and hand them to the priest. The ushers will also give you a piece of paper. Place that on the altar where the priest can see it (it is the number of people in the service.)
You can now go back to your seat. After the prayers of communion have been said, get ready to receive communion (bread and wine) by standing next to the altar. Once you have received your bread and wine, quietly go back and sit in your seat. (Please do not talk with or make faces at people who are coming up to the altar rail to get communion, and do not swing your legs in the chair.)
After everyone has been served, the priest will hand you different things like chalices, bread cups, and other things. Please make room on the credence table for these things. At the end of the service, it is time to lead the choir and everyone participating in the service back down the aisle. Slowly go back to the choir side column to get the cross and wait for the congregation to sing one verse of the hymn.
Come out holding the Cross high and straight, and wait for the choir to begin processing so that you don't outrun them. They need to be right behind you the entire way out. Once you are at the back of the church continue out and put the cross away in its holder in the narthex.
After the service is over go back up to the altar to extinguish the candles. Go get the candle-lighter (which also has a candle snuffer as well) and slowly go back to the altar and put out the candles. Be careful not to knock the candles over when putting them out.
To Finish
You have now finished your responsibilities. Go back to the upstairs choir room and quietly take off your cincture (rope belt) and robe. Try not to drag it on the floor while you are removing it. Hang the robe and the rope belt neatly on the same hanger that you took it from, and join your family.
One last thing
During the service, people are looking up at the altar and they can't help but notice you. You are a worship leader of the church and as such you need to act accordingly. Try not to look bored, try not to yawn, try not to wiggle and tap your feet or hands. Pay attention.
When everyone in the church is standing, you should be standing also. When everyone is kneeling, kneel also. Be an active participant of this service because everyone else in church believes you are an important part of this service.
The Acolyte Team
Ascension Episcopal Church
2525 Seagler Rd. Houston, TX 77042 phone: 713.781.1330 [email protected] The Episcopal Church in West Houston Welcomes You! |